Why the Curse of the Pirate Rules?
At the Reading club we have been looking for some time for a set of pirate rules that will cope with our stupidly large collection of pirate figures. This now includes a number of fantasy races from the likes of Black Scorpion. Throw in the fact that we like to do multi-player games, we have been left scratching our heads somewhat.
Last night we had not really organised anything so threw together a small three player Strange Grogge.
At the Reading club we have been looking for some time for a set of pirate rules that will cope with our stupidly large collection of pirate figures. This now includes a number of fantasy races from the likes of Black Scorpion. Throw in the fact that we like to do multi-player games, we have been left scratching our heads somewhat.
Last night we had not really organised anything so threw together a small three player Strange Grogge.
I like Strange Grogge but they cannot handle loads of figure groups. Really nice for more detailed skirmish though.
The quest goes on.........
Next time the flamboyant elves will make an appearance I hope. And even when they fail miserably at least it will be in style.
It's ok Jason, in Strange Grogge double one is as good as it gets!!