Games and figures by Matt Slade of Glenbrook Games and Painting Service. For details visit my website at or email me at
At the Reading club we have been looking for some time for a set of pirate rules that will cope with our stupidly large collection of pirate figures. This now includes a number of fantasy races from the likes of Black Scorpion. Throw in the fact that we like to do multi-player games, we have been left scratching our heads somewhat.
Last night we had not really organised anything so threw together a small three player Strange Grogge.
Richard H "buried" treasure under a marker and then scattered the rest around one corner of the table in an abandoned settlement. He rolled up an undead crew to defend the treasure from two marauding crews - one dwarf and one orc.
I rolled up a pathetically small band of orcs/goblins.
Richard S rolled up a numerous Dwarf crew. Stout fellows all.
Things started well for the Orcs with an initial assault storming the settlement boundary fence, although the orc in the green coat at the back took a nasty shot as he crossed the open ground.
This proved to be a high tide (!) for the orcs as they managed to drop their weapons with alarming frequency. The Skellie with the musketoon in the background kept backing off and picking away at the orcs. The double one from Richard H sealed the fate of the red coated orc in the centre of the pic. Not the only outrageous throw of the evening.
Hurray! At last the Dwarves arrive. Having taken a surprising amount of damage crossing the terrain with no elan whatsoever (they are quite tall fences I suppose).
The musketoon skellie who gave my orcs so much trouble is dispatched with embarrassing ease at the first Dwarf attempt with a critical success roll.
Devasting dwarf pistol fire keeps the boneheads at bay.
As a blurry dusk falls the dwarves find the gold and make good their escape. Well done Richard S! My orcs were down to the last two by this stage and had lost their captain (who had dropped his sword again).
I like Strange Grogge but they cannot handle loads of figure groups. Really nice for more detailed skirmish though.
This game was based on the BCW gun running scenario from the Triumphant Standards between the wars spin off by Too Fat Lardies which complements the excellent Mud and Blood WW1 rules.
I moved the setting to Berkshire (we are the Wargames Assoc of Reading after all!) where the Berkshire Defence League had word from Aldermaston Manor that some dubious looking fellows in flat caps and red neckerchiefs were hanging around by the Kennet and Avon canal at Aldermaston Wharf. The BDL send a small patrol to see what is going on. A subsequent call from the Manor tells the BDL Sergeant that shots have been heard so the local League militia are called to assemble and go to the canal in force.
"Don't Panic", the strangely familiar Corporal drops back with his patrol after a successful assault drive the dubious fellows away from their defensive position. (Flag donated by the Piddle Valley Defence Volunteers during an exchange programme)
The dubious fellows at the wharf are in fact Comrades Dougalls and Hovis with brave bothers of the Aldermaston branch of the Democratic Millers Alliance who are a awaiting a delivery of rifles. These are being supplied by the Huntley and Palmer branch (Reading based) of the People's Biscuit Makers who under the cooperative leadership of Comrade Tony "Dunker" McVitie is due to arrive by barge at the wharf. The BDL are seen as a reactionary unelected toff led band and following numerous sub-committees, the Socialists who have decided to put them in their place and free the oppressed estate workers (they have not actually checked as to whether the estate workers are; a oppressed or b require freeing!).
Objectives are quite simple. Socialists to successfully deliver the guns, BDL to put a stop to their left wing nonsense.
The Millers fall back to the canal.
More Millers take position on the bridge as the gamekeeper and staff approach through the woods.
The barge finally turns up (no visible chaps on the barge as they count as being on a blind until spotted).
BDL militia reinforce the initial patrol. Their Big Man looks uncannily like Godfrey from Dad's Army.
The first box of rifles is unloaded but time is short. The BDL are on their way in force.
Comrades take position on the bridge to repel the BDL reinforcements.
The BDL line the bank and pour fire down onto the Socialists.
Discretion being the better part of valour, under heavy fire, the Socialists load the guns back on board and head back to Reading for an urgent sub-committee sub-group.
As ever with the Lardies, the rules threw up some good tense situations where every turn of the card deck is eagerly anticipated/dreaded, especially when crossing open ground in view of the enemy.
Knocked this up yesterday for tonight's 1938 "A Very" British Civil War game at the Reading club.
I wanted a simple cargo barge, suitable for 25/28mm figures. This has a simple balsa hull construction with thin card glued and "riveted" in place. The wheel house is just simply made from 4 pieces of balsa with the windows marked in by being pressed with a pencil.
I have sacrificed detail for playability and have made sure that penny-based figures can walk around the deck or stand in the hold without falling off!
I'll post some pics of the barge in action after the game. Can't say too much - the players might be reading this!!
Latest future wars figures painted for Richard at the club. Tried to give a different "vibe" to each set of band members. Pleased with the Stars and Stripes patch.
Richard H and myself ran a game of Flying Lead at the WAR club tonight. It was set in a near future where gangs rule the streets and the cops try their best to maintain order.
Card, resin and plastic buidings from various manufacturers. You may recognise the home made grave stones from the Weeping Angels Who game. All made by myself.
Blasphemous statue erected in the central park by one of the more feral gangs.
Fortified police station.
This is part of my terrorist cell - the O'Shenanigans who were tasked with detonating bombs in buildings (why? I don't know). They spent most of the game avoiding Richard S's SWAT team who were tasked with taking out as many terrorists as possible. The O'Shenanigans are sure they have a cause but are not sure what is might be.
Richard H's gang in long coats were soon christened the David Tennant fan club.
Oh no it's the fuzz!
A skate-by shooting by Jason's skater boys (painted by me for Richard H) on Wayne's Jamaicans. This proved to be the high point for the lads one of whom grazed his knee quite nastily, causing his pals to search for plasters.
The leader of the O'Shenanigans is pinned down by the SWAT team.
The classic "anything but a one" moment. Oops.
Considering we ran 5 separate commands the game worked well and the rules ran smoothly. We are all fairly familiar with the Ganesha mechanics so it is easy to switch between the various sets with a little refresher read. I am thinking about using Flying Lead as a basis for some British Civil War games.