Thursday 3 July 2014

Reaper Bones Storm Giant


  1. Excellent paint job, love the mix of blue and white...

  2. Is this one of the Reaper Bones white plastic figures? It has come up really well. I'm about to try painting one of their figures. Their range is very impressive and I think I could do a few games with some of their figures.

    1. Yes it is aplastic one. I painted straight on to the plastic. I found that my usual enamel undercoat wouldn't dry on the plastic.

    2. I used Tamiya Flat Black XF1 and it worked really well as an undercoat on the white plastic. It is the paint I use for all my undercoating (or sometimes a Tamiya brown or grey depending on the uniform).

      Looking at the figure you have painted there is certainly a heap of detail. If my figure looks half as good I will be very happy (28mm in not my usual scale).

    3. I'll try that. Thanks for the tip. Details all there just slightly less crisp than metal or resin as you'd expect.
